This Call includes two different topics:
GERI-3-2015: Evaluation of initiatives to promote gender equality in research policy and research organisations: In the field of research, initiatives have been developed in European countries and beyond aiming at promoting gender equality. The proposals shall develop concepts and methodologies for the evaluation of these initiatives, providing an adequate analysis of how gender issues are considered in science management and policy-making and how they contribute to achieve three main objectives: equal participation and progression in research careers, gender balance in decision-making and the integration of a gender dimension in research content and programmes.
GERI-4-2015: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans: Gender equality is a key priority of the European Research Area Communication, which invites Member States, research performing organisations (RPOs), including Higher Education Institutions, as well as research funding organisations (RFOs) to take action to promote gender equality in R&I with the following objectives: Removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchers; Addressing gender imbalances in decision making processes; Strengthening the gender dimension in research programmes.
The action provides support to RPOs and RFOs in order to support systemic institutional changes, in particular through the implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).
Deadline: 16 September 2015
Total budget: EUR 9 million
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