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Do you know what highly renowned international higher education experts such as Sir Peter Scott, Peggy Blumenthal, Adam Tyson, Neil Kemp, Ulrich Grothus and Ulrich Teichler have in common? All of them, and many more, will be speakers at ACA’s 2013 Annual Conference, which will take place in The Hague from 9 to 11 June 2013.
The event, co-organised by the NUFFIC, one of ACA’s founding members, is entitled Internationalisation and international mobility. Where do we stand, where are we heading? and marks ACA’s 20th anniversary. At its jubilee conference, ACA will revisit those themes which were already at the center of the Association’s interest in 1993, the year of ACA’s foundation, and which have remained topical to this very day: internationalisation and international mobility. More precisely, the conference will address issues currently hotly debated, such as the ethics of internationalisation, transnational education and ‘internationalisation at home’ on the one hand, and ‘mobility windows’, ‘mobility appetizers’ and the relationship between mobility and employability on the other hand.
The conference will consist of a mix of plenary sessions and parallel workshops. In comparison with earlier ACA conferences, the share of workshops has been increased, which will enhance and encourage active involvement of participants. The 2-day event will be preceded by an opening reception and a social programme on 9 June, to welcome participants and to allow them to meet and discuss with friends, colleagues and partners. As usual, there will be ample opportunities for networking.
For more information, click here.