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Reaching the final phase of the CARe project, which supports researchers with refugee background in their integration to the European labour market, the consortium is delighted to publish CARe Country Guides and organise a number of CARe Online Talks.
The final Online Talk, focusing on the EU level, will take place on 20 November 2020 (11:00 – 12:30 CET).The consortium will present the key findings of the project and discuss the most topical issues and developments concerning labour market integration of researchers at risk/with refugee background in Europe, based on substantial experience and insight gained throughout the project. We will be joined by Marlene Barthès from the European Commission, Orla Duke from SAR Ireland/InspirEurope project and Abdirashid Ismail from the Migration Institute of Finland.
So far, the Online Talks have provided a chance to discover innovative support practices for the target group in some European countries, to discuss pertinent challenges in others, and the participants have had a chance to share views and experiences with professionals and succeeding researchers working in the field. Based on that experience, we will combine what we have learned in a panel at the EU-level Online Talk.
Make sure to register and join the conversation by following this link.
The discussion which will take place at the EU Online Talk will also be based on the information available in the just published 10 CARe country guides . They contain systematised relevant information on the national labour markets in the 10 project countries, with the aim of supporting researchers at risk/with refugee background in finding support, job and training opportunities in their host countries. The CARe country guides were developed in the period May-October 2020 based on the findings from the focus groups and employer survey in the previous phase of the CARe project. The information in the country guides addresses the needs and helps overcoming the challenges that refugee-background researchers face in seeking employment in or outside of academia. In the development and revision of the country guides, the CARe consortium received invaluable help from the selected group of national experts coming from relevant national institutions and researchers with refugee background. Make sure to take a look at the information available and spread the word among your colleagues!