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Call for proposals– KA2–Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices Sector Skills Alliances

European Commission (‘the Commission’) in cooperation with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (the ‘Agency’) is inviting the submission of proposals concerning the establishment or development of Sector Skills Alliances (SSA).
The action Sector Skills Alliances will be an important instrument to support the implementation of the New Skills Agenda for Europe . The action will contribute to the improvement of quality and relevance of Europe's Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems as outlined in the 2015 ET2020 Joint Report, and in the 2015 Riga conclusions agreeing on a new set of medium-term deliverables.

Projects can achieve these objectives by applying to one of the following "Lots":

 · Lot 1 - Sector Skills Alliances for skills needs identification Aimed at identifying and providing detailed evidence on skills needs, and gaps in a given specific economic sector. This would make it possible to address such gaps through training provision, whether it be VET-based or any other education and training sector. The identification and definition of future skills needs should be supported by research on labour market needs in the sector. The skills needs should be identified for the relevant occupation profiles of the sector, drawing on, where available, the classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO). · Lot 2 - Sector Skills Alliances for design and delivery of VET Aimed at responding to identified skills gaps and needs in a specific economic sector, by developing curricula, as well as teaching and training delivery methodologies.
· Lot 3 - Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (“Blueprint”) to sectoral cooperation on skills The Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills is one of the ten actions in the New Skills Agenda for Europe). It aims to improve skills intelligence and to provide a clear strategy and instruments to address skills shortages in specific economic sectors. It will be piloted in six sectors8 : automotive, defence, maritime technology, space geo information, textile-clothing-leather-footwear and tourism. The Alliances under Lot 3 will support its implementation by developing sectoral skills strategies.

Activities to be carried out and outputs expected
The proposal shall cover a coherent and comprehensive set of activities and outputs as set out below for each Lot and as relevant for the sector concerned. For all three Lots, a particular focus must be given to digital skills as they are increasingly important in all job profiles across the entire labour market. This should be done in synergy with the new Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and efforts to promote skills for key enabling 7 are defined by the Eurostat NACE – Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union. -5- technologies9 (KETs). In addition, the transition to a circular economy needs to be supported by changes to qualifications and national curricula to meet emerging professional needs for “green skills”.

Deadline: 2 May 2017
Budget: Total Budget estimated at EUR 28 million (at a maximum EU co-financing rate of 80%)

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