This Call includes multiple topics:
- ISSI-3-2015: Knowledge Sharing Platform: The topic aims to foster the sharing of ‘Science With and For Society’ experience and know-how in Europe, and beyond. Activities shall envisage building a Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) to federate Responsible Research and Innovation communities and make RRI and its key dimensions more effective research and innovation policy support tools.
- ISSI-4-2015: On-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice: The on-line dimension of knowledge-based decision-making should involve different mechanisms, such as Science 2.0, e-Science approaches and other collaborative functions for policy analysis, forward looking studies, technology assessment, data exchange for research etc.; trans-European collaboration tools focusing on EU level policy advice; work-flow management systems for specific methods; participatory citizen and stakeholder consultation systems; services supporting Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) methods and frameworks, including gender equality; Web-services for the project life-cycle - project definition, method choice, evaluation and management. The proposals shall probe the potential and feasibility of on-line services and develop and demonstrate on-line services that will strengthen European capacity for knowledge-based policy analysis and advice, with special emphasis on Science, technology and Innovation (STI) governance.
- ISSI-5-2015: Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation: This topic aims at developing a Responsible Research and Innovation Plan covering five RRI keys (societal engagement, gender equality and gender in research and innovation content, open access, science education and ethics) in each participating institution. The proposals shall include an analysis of the main problems and challenges, as well as a set of specific implementing actions aiming at the necessary structural change on the basis of specific situation and challenges. Action Plans shall be accompanied by an implementation roadmap.
Deadline: 16 September 2015
Total budget: EUR 22 million
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