In February, the European Commission issued a
call for proposals targeted at qualified high-level professional manpower in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The objective of this call is to enhance cooperation between higher education institutions (HEIs) in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. The specific aims of the programme include:
- improving access to higher education for students, including those from disadvantaged groups;
- facilitating cooperation on recognition of studies and qualifications;
- promoting internationalisation and harmonisation of programmes and curricula within participating institutions;
- enhancing the international cooperation capacity of HEIs in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries;
- enabling students, academics and staff to benefit linguistically, culturally and professionally from the experience gained in the context of mobility to another country; and
- enhancing political, cultural, educational and economical links between the participating countries, etc.
Officially recognised higher education institutions in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, offering courses at the graduate and/or postgraduate level, are the only eligible participants of the call. The activities with regard to the organisation and implementation of student and staff mobility; education/training of foreign students; teaching/training and research assignments, etc., have to take place in one of the eligible countries covered by the call for proposals. A more detailed description of the call requirements is available on the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
Budget: EUR 12 000 000
Deadline: 10 May 2012
European Commission