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This call for proposals launched by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) is to support a pilot project that will build and strengthen the relations between research and innovation and between research and education, in other words a project that will address the three corners of the knowledge triangle. Moreover, it seeks to enhance relations between business and academia, e.g. as one of the core elements of the modernisation agenda for universities and in the context of the European Higher Education Area. More specifically, this pilot project call aims to fund structured partnerships, bringing together businesses with higher education and training institutions to design and deliver new curricula, new courses, to develop new and innovative ways of delivering and utilising education and knowledge, and to facilitate the flow of knowledge between the academia and companies. The more detailed objectives of the call can be found on the webpage below.
Eligibility under this call is limited to the following types of entities:
All applicants must be registered in one of the member states of the European Union (EU 27). Project consortia must comprise a minimum of three (3) organisations from three (3) different eligible countries, and include at least one (1) higher education institution and one (1) private company.
Budget: max. EUR 400 000