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The European Commuission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency is issuing a call for expressions of interest in order to obtain applications for the establishment of a list of experts in the framework of the management of the Community programmes in the fields of education, audiovisual, culture, youth and citizenship.
The experts’ duties will be to assist the Agency, or where applicable, the European Commission, in the performance of the following tasks:
1. Evaluating proposals received in response to calls for proposals; 2. Evaluating and monitoring projects:• evaluating project reports;3. Specific studies and analyses relating to fields of activity.
• evaluating project products and results;
• project monitoring and site visits;
• any other tasks relating to the analysis and/or monitoring of programmes and projects.
The experts chosen within the framework of this call may also be required to assist the agency’s parent Directorates-General (DG EAC, INFSO, AIDCO) within the framework of their activities (general coordination of policies and programmes, communications, management of strands for which the agency is not responsible).
Deadline: 30 June 2013