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European University Association. Building Bridges: Making Sense of Quality Assurance in European, National and Institutional Contexts. ISBN: 978-9-0789-9725-2. Pages: 69.
The 2010 European Quality Assurance Forum, the fifth instalment in this annual meeting series lead by the European University Association (EUA), convened 18-20 November 2010 in Lyon. The event brought together key actors from across Europe such as quality assurance (QA) agencies, students and staff from higher education institutions (in particular, academics and staff from QA units), and centred on the theme of increased communication and understanding of QA issues in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The main aim of the 2010 Forum was to examine how QA tools and processes implemented at the institutional and agency levels:
This publication features papers delivered, and proceedings from presentations held, during the three-day forum. The content includes a set of four papers focused on the “European QA framework transformed to national QA systems”, and another set of four related to the “institutional reality in developing quality cultures”.
European University Association