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The Australian Minister for Education, Dan Tehan, announced the recent achievements in the international higher education sector in Australia. In 2018, 690 000 international students choose Australia as a destination country within mobility programmes, of which 400 000 in higher education institutions (HEIs). The number of international students at HEIs in Australia is expected to rise to 460 000 in 2019. Concerning the financial contributions to Australian economy, the input from the international education sector amounted to around EUR 20 billion (AUD 34 billion) in 2018, representing an increase of 15.3%.
Figures on Erasmus+ projects and activities by country, for the year 2018, show that Australia was highly involved in student and staff exchanges in various Erasmus+ activities: the International Credit Mobility (ICM), Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) and Jean Monnet Activities (JM). In particular, 2018 saw an increase in the ICM, EMJMDs and JM proposals received involving Australian institutions.
The British Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) foresees that, in 2019, Australia will become the second most popular destination for international students worldwide, outplacing the UK. The Australian government, led by the recently-appointed Scott Morrison, is also committed to increasing the number of international students studying in rural and regional Australia, in the context of the almost EUR 85 million (AUD 134.8 million) regional higher education package.
Australian Ministers for the Department of Education and Training