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At the Margins of Academia : Exile, Precariousness, and Subjectivity

Published on 18 May 2020 by Brill, this publication ponders if displaced and emigrated academics are “at risk” or “in reserve”. Are political oppression of dissident scholars and economic precarization of academic workforce separate phenomena, or two sides of the same coin? Can the pervasive precariousness in its various forms foster a conversation on shared sensibilities? And, can traumatic experiences like exile and loss eventually lead to a revival of agency?

Based on the author’s (Ash Vatansever) own experiences and on in-depth interviews with the exiled Peace Academics, At the Margins of Academia offers a broad approahc to the challenge of academic labor precarity and the growing academic migration from Turkey to European academic labor markets. It provides a detailed analysis of the systemic background of precariousness and the socio-emotional expressions of being kept in reserve, in conjunction with the antinomies of exile.

The publication is available here.