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TPG European policies and programmes
The TPG members addressed the mid-term evaluation of Erasmus+ and the final evaluation of its predecessor programme. DG EAC’s speaker Fadime Altinte presented the evaluation objectives and scope. The current programme will be evaluated against five criteria defined in Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines: effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value, whereas the past programme will be evaluated mainly against effectiveness and EU added value, but also in terms of efficiency, relevance and coherence for comparison purposes with Erasmus+ 2021-2027. The online public consultation and targeted consultations are planned for the second half of 2023. National reports will have to be submitted to the Commission in spring 2024, feeding into the final evaluation report expected by 31 December 2024.
TPG Widening Inclusion in International HE
This year’s final meeting of the Thematic Peer Group ‘Widening inclusion in international higher education’ addressed the latest developments in the mobility programmes management. The ACA members were joined by Juan Rayón González, President of Erasmus Student Network who provided valuable input based on the technical recommendations from the Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) project, specifically addressing the National Agencies. TPG members discussed the need to further involve students and other beneficiaries in the processes at national levels, particularly in the implementation, reporting, and monitoring of the mobility programmes. The current (2021-2027) framework focuses on the inclusion and student support, but implementation remains a challenge. In practice, a clear division of responsibilities between sending and hosting HEIs is a crucial requirement along with the clarity and transparency in terms of funding opportunities and other information related to learning mobility periods.
TPG New Mobility Formats
ACA’s Thematic Peer Group “New mobility formats” convened for this year’s last meeting with special guests, Nanna Teitsdóttir, Project Manager at the University of Iceland, and Laura Pauwels, International Relations Advisor, University Colleges Leuven-Limburg Research & Expertise - Education & Development. The invitees presented their experiences with Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) and outlined areas for further improvement such as administrative issues, experience and flexibility in student participation. Trying to build a BIP with longstanding partners first may be an easier way to ensure trust, communication and resources, than building a programme with new partners. Developing clear and accessible information for students, faculty and staff on BIP experience is necessary to build more interest, engagement and satisfaction, and to ensure retention.