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At the end of March ACA has embarked on a short but very important project for the European Parliament (EP), to survey the Erasmus+ national agencies, that include many ACA members, investigating their experiences with the implementation of the decentralised actions of the Erasmus+ programme thus far. The survey, currently ongoing, is to help identify opportunities brought about by the programme, as well as challenges encountered up to now and suggestions for improvement. This initiative does not aim to be as exhaustive as the mid-term evaluation that is being prepared by the European Commission (and is therefore a separate initiative), as its main goal is to map some common challenges and opportunities encountered, and not to do a full-scale assessment.
The results of the survey will be analysed and made available by ACA via a short report that will feed into current activities of and discussions in the European Parliament’s CULT Committee. ACA expects that this report will be made publicly available by the European parliament towards the end of July this year.