A joint European Policy Seminar of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) and the European University Association (EUA)
Brussels, 10 October 2013
This joint ACA/EUA European Policy Seminar, entitled Making sense of the MOOCs, will unpack the very concept of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Are MOOCs just “old wine in new bottles”? How are they different from traditional online distance learning initiatives? What do they offer to the learners and how are they financed? Who are the players and where are they from? What do MOOCs mean for Europe? Are MOOCs here to stay, or will they soon fade away?
By bringing together a
mix of renowned expert speakers from Europe and beyond, and aiming at participants from diverse backgrounds, the MOOCs seminar will provide a platform for experienced ‘MOOCers’, traditional online distance providers, sceptical and enthusiastic onlookers, as well as policymakers and practitioners at all levels to
exchange views and share first-hand experiences with MOOCs.
As usual in ACA and EUA seminars, we encourage open discussion, critical reflection, practical advice and friendly exchanges on this hotly debated topic. The seminar will be held on
Thursday, 10 October 2013 in Brussels.
For this special event, we are pleased to extend the
reduced ACA members’ rate to all EUA members. More information about the fee rebate is available on the registration page.
We look forward to MOOCing with you in October. Until then, we wish you a relaxing summer.
The ACA and EUA teams
Registration Webpage