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Early September will see the release of a unique publication of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) compiled by ACA. Rethinking education, reshaping economies is a collection of 10 essays presenting perspectives from around the world and across the international higher education landscape on five different sub-themes of direct relevance to the overarching topic. These sub-themes range from issues of international talent attraction and retention, new markets for international higher education, and educating a global workforce, to international higher education and the public good, as well as internationalisation and the entrepreneurial university.
The dozen contributing authors represent nine different countries on four continents (Africa, Asia, Europe and North America). Their geographic spread is matched only by the broad array of opinions and ideas they put forth about the complex and dynamic intersection between trends in (international) higher education and the evolving global economic and social landscape. For example, experiences from China, Ireland and Russia give a picture of concrete developments ‘on the ground’ in these very different national contexts. Meanwhile, a number of the authors advocate for a profound ‘re-think’ of the core functions and aspects of the higher education enterprise in their own countries/regions, or more globally. In this respect, everything—from the fundamental social and economic purposes of higher, to the life trajectories of our 21st century higher education graduates, to the very nature of the credentials awarded by academe—is ‘fair game’ for analysis and critique.
Reflection on the bigger picture has always been a central interest for both ACA and EAIE. For nearly ten years, for example, ACA and EAIE jointly delivered seminars at the EAIE annual conferences on timely topics of interest, often emerging from ACA research activities. Both organisations are now approaching notable milestones in the coming year; in 2013, ACA will celebrate its 20th anniversary and EAIE will hold its 25th annual conference. Both ACA and EAIE—in their own particular ways—play central roles in Europe (and arguably, increasingly, beyond) when it comes to developing ideas and disseminating information vital to the interests of the international higher education community. As they move to the status of more ‘mature’ actors, it is gratifying to see their collaboration evolve and, in the process, to benefit from efforts to stimulate the kinds of conversations that can help us more deeply consider—and re-consider—our understanding of the world around us and our constantly evolving place within it.
The publication Rethinking education, reshaping economies will be made available to EAIE conference participants on-site in Dublin. For a PDF version, participants can download it from My Conference section. Registration for the 24th Annual EAIE Conference is still possible on-site.