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In the month of September, two members of the ACA Secretariat in Brussels will be attending the 2011 EAIE Annual Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, and will be involved in a variety of activities. ACA Deputy Director Laura Rumbley will be chairing a session on Research in internationalisation of higher education: the role of national agencies, which will involve two ACA member organisations, DAAD and NUFFIC, as well as the Danish National Agency for International Education. The three panellists will describe how their organisations conceive and conduct their research-related work, what they produce, and how they interact with a broader spectrum of actors involved in related research activity (i.e. universities and research centres).
Additionally, ACA Policy Officer Irina Ferencz will be involved in two sessions dealing with international student mobility, namely The new mobility agenda: making students move and measuring progress and Attracting international doctoral-level students to Europe. On these two occasions she will deliver presentations based on the forthcoming ACA-coordinated study Mapping mobility in European higher education (previously referred to as EURODATA II) and the ongoing ENPMOB project, which focuses on national-level policies and strategies for mobility.
ACA staff is looking forward to meeting you on these occasions, as well as throughout the conference.
Still in Copenhagen, on Monday, 12 September, ACA staff will be heavily involved in conducting an international workshop under the IMPI project framework. IMPI (which stands for Indicators for Mapping and Profiling Internationalisation), aims to guide participant institutions towards successful benchmarking of their internationalisation activities. The workshop, as well as the IMPI project, benefits from the participation of several ACA members - CampusFrance, NUFFIC, Perspektywy, SIU and DAAD (in an observatory role) - and is coordinated by CHE Consult. The Copenhagen event is unfortunately not open to the wider public, however the project provides ongoing updates on its progress via the IMPI website.
EAIE 2011 Annual Conference Mapping Mobility in European Higher Education project ENPMOB project IMPI project