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ACA discusses Africa in a seminar on development cooperation this fall

Faced with the paradox that in many African countries less than five percent of high school graduates enter higher education while many academics depart or join the lines of the unemployed, will our policies of aid and cooperation in higher education have to change? And is the international higher education scene changing as we speak? Higher education does not feature high on Europe’s development agenda in spite of the fact that so much has been said and written about higher education as a measure of a country’s development.  Is it possible to turn this around?   As part of the European Policy Seminars,  ACA is launching the seminar From aid to partnership: enhancing development through education to take place on the 17th of October this year.  The themes will range from the general state of affairs in higher education in Africa and the future climate for cooperation as presented by Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic of UNESCO to examples of successes and failures of concrete cooperation projects at the university level. We will discuss European education policies toward Africa with the European Commission, hear from African university leaders as well as European academics well versed in cooperation between our continents.  Most importantly, we will have speakers who have thought hard on how we should cooperate in order to effect increased development in African societies, like Dr. Peter Taylor of the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex and Dr. Nyaigotti-Chacha, Executive Secretary of the Inter-University Council for East Africa. We invite you to join this seminal discussion, and this ACA European Policy Seminar is one you would not like to miss. Register here via the ACA website