A process of concentration is going on in Germany’s landscape of institutions focusing on research on higher education. In September 2013, the reputed Hochschul-Informationssystem GmbH (Higher Education Information System, known as HIS) changed its identity to become the Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (German Centre for Research on Higher Education and Science Studies), or DZHW. The institute has been, under its old and new name, focused on matters of teaching and learning. Most of its research was on the German tertiary system, but it also became known for international comparative studies, such as the EUROSTUDENT series.
In June of this year, it has been decided that the DZHW will integrate another German body, the Institut für Forschungsinformation und Qualitätssicherung (iFQ, Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance). The merger will take place on 1 January 2016. The iFQ will complement the DZHW’s focus on teaching and learning by one on science and research. The new DZHW is intended to be able to take a more ‘holistic’ perspective on higher education institutions.
We wish the new kid on the block luck and success. In order to become an international brand name, we recommend that the DZHW launch a training initiative to enable people to pronounce its tongue-breaker abbreviation with style and grace. HER (Hochschul Entwicklung und Research) could be an option.