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“Europe beyond 2010” – visions of the Czech Council Presidency

On 1 January 2009, the Czech Republic will take over the Council presidency of the European Union from France. True to the overall motto “Europe without barriers”, in education the Czech Presidency will focus on the following three key areas:
  • Firstly, it will outline directions and visions for the continuation of “Education and Training 2010” agenda, beyond the previously set 2010 time frame. As is commonly known, the existing work programme “Education and Training 2010” (ET 2010) defines the main objectives and activities of European cooperation in education and their realisation.

  • Secondly, the Czech presidency will concentrate on enhancing the partnership between the sphere of education, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and R&D on the one hand and employers/enterprises on the other hand. In other words, the realisation of the knowledge triangle (education-research-innovation). This development is seen as a prerequisite for economic growth and social cohesion.

  • Last but not least, further progress in removing the barriers to student mobility remains a key issue on the Czech education agenda. In this direction, the Czech Republic will chair, in the first half of 2009, the Bologna Board Meeting, which will lead to the Ministerial Conference in Louvain (the last before the official proclamation of the European Higher Education Area in 2010).

The key political priorities have been drawn up in a document entitled "Priority Areas of the Czech EU Council Presidency in the First Half of 2009". The priorities in the areas of education can be downloaded from the Education Ministry’s website. Czech Ministry of Education