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2-Year anniversary of the European Digital Education Hub 

June 2024 marks the second anniversary of the European Digital Education Hub. Since its launch in June 2022, the Hub has created a vibrant online community of more than 4,500 members dedicated to advancing digital education across the EU and beyond. 

The Hub serves as a collaborative space where members can share best practices, experience peer learning, and collaborate across various education and training sectors (for more details, see ACA Newsletter – Education Europe, September 2022). Some of the key features and achievements of the Hub include: 

  • Accelerator Programme: The Hub’s Accelerator programme supports innovative solutions in digital education, helping teams develop and test their ideas in real environments. By 2024, 13 teams from seven EU countries had received six months of expert support. 
  • Mentorship and Advice: Since its inception, the Hub has offered personalised support through six online clinics and 31 individual mentorships, providing members with valuable opportunities to learn from field experts. 
  • Webinars: The Hub organises monthly webinars on critical digital education topics such as AI, micro-credentials, the digital gender gap, and digital assessment. Since 2022, over 60 webinars have reached more than 1,300 participants. 
  • Workshops and Working Groups: More than 250 members have attended various workshops in European cities, discussing topics like micro-credentials, AI in education, digital skills, sustainability in digital education and interoperability. Additionally, 10 working groups, or “squads,” have produced high-quality outputs. 
  • In the monthly “Collaborative Inquiry” days, over 1,000 participants have explored digital education challenges together.  
  • Reading Corner: The Hub’s Reading Corner offers members access to over 90 research-based papers, best practices, and articles on digital education, with new content added weekly. 

This important milestone will be celebrated through actions like Quizzes, Anniversary Animation Challenges and even an Anniversary Cake Competition. To access all these and more, join the European Digital Education Hub here. 

The European Digital Education Hub is coordinated by ACA member, DAAD, with the support of ACA as an associate partner. ACA, since the Hub’s inception, has contributed through expert advice, in the innovation funnel expert group, as well as two squads, one on digital education in times of crises and another one on sustainability in digital education (for more details, see ACA Newsletter – Education Europe, February 2024).