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Austria: Psychosocial Support

Austrian Government

Assistance and support for asylum seekers, recognised refugees and migrants - list of resources.


Servicestelle der Grundversorgung Wien

The organisation Servicestelle der Grundversorgung Wien is the first point of call for those receiving basic services (Grundversorgung) and are in private accommodation. In addition, there is a comprehensive range of counselling services available to asylum seekers in Vienna. The allocation to the general social counselling depends on your residential address. In addition, there are some counselling centres for special needs.


Social Integration


CORE Centre

The CORE Centre offers a wide range of integration activities for newcomers.


An alliance of civil society organisations working to improve the situation and public discourse on refugees in Austria


In Vienna, numerous civil society initiatives are active on a volunteer basis for refugees in the city. Their commitment is diverse and ranges from joint sewing projects and German conversation classes to cooking evenings, sports activities and much more. Here, civil society commitment in Vienna is brought to the fore and made visible.

Fremde werden Freunde

Citizen led initiatives focusing on inclusion, knowledge transfer, events and leisure activities


Integration initiatives


The ÖIF offers immigrants throughout Austria support with integration issues through integration centres in several state capitals as well as mobile counselling programs in towns.

CoRE - Centre of Refugee Empowerment provides information on social matters, education, asylum, counselling, housing and health.

Start Wien - Services for refugees supports refugees in settling down in Vienna. The services include primary care as well as orientation.

You have arrived contains initial information about life in Austria.

Wiener Bildungsdrehscheibe - The Vienna educational hub is the first point of contact for people in primary care in Vienna when it comes to learning and education.


Civic initiatives:

Other information

Information about day care, schooling and family related issues can be found on EURAXESS and through Austrian government.

Further resources;