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ACA members

ACA members

As a key association in the field, ACA draws its strength from its extensive membership of national-level organisations from Europe and beyond. By formally bringing together a distinct type of actors – national-level agencies and organisations active in the field of international higher education – ACA is a unique type of stakeholder organisation in the European higher education landscape, as well as in the world. In consequence, ACA defines itself as the “the European voice of national organisations for internationalisation in higher education”, being a framework in which members come together to enhance their capacities and join forces in supporting and ‘doing’ future-oriented, top-quality internationalisation.

In a nutshell, ACA’s 24 European member organisations, as well as its 3 non‑European associate members, support the opening-up and the enhancement of their higher education systems through international cooperation. They are involved in a wide array of activities, from:

  • funding and managing large-scale student and staff mobility programmes,
  • promoting their countries as attractive study destinations around the world,
  • funding international strategic collaborations and the development of joint study programmes,
  • organising high-level networking events,
  • producing studies and research in the area of international higher education, as well as 
  • participating in and shaping policy development in international higher education.

ACA Members at the Spring General Assembly in Brussels, June 2023.


ACA Members

ACA members

Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD)


Ebendorferstrasse 7



Phone: +43-1-534-08-101

Fax: + 43-1-534-08-999

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The OeAD has advised, supported and connected people and institutions in education, science, research and culture for 60 years with its future-oriented programmes. As an agency of the Republic of Austria the OeAD thus contributes to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. The OeAD’s fields of activity are in Austria, Europe and internationally in priority countries.

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Vluhr International


Ravensteingalerij 27, box 6



Phone: +32 2 792 55 19

Fax: +32 2 211 41 99

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VLUHR QA is an independent evaluation body in Flanders. VLUHR KZ focuses on the organisation of external quality assurance (programme assessment), setting up quality improvement trajectories in the Flemish education, learning and training landscape and writing learning outcomes.

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The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP)


Frankopanska 26



Phone: +385 0 1 5005 635

Fax: +385 0 1 5005 699

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The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) is the National Agency responsible for the implementation of the the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes and initiatives in Croatia. The role of the AMEUP is to promote the Programmes, assist applicants and beneficiaries in the process of creating and running a project, and select projects to be funded and monitor them. The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes is also responsible for informing and counselling in the area of Horizon 2020 programme, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme.

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Dům zahraniční spolupráce, Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS)


Na Poříčí 1035/4


Czech Republic

Phone: +420 221 850 100

Fax: +420 221 850 255

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Dům zahraniční spolupráce (DZS) is an organisation established and directly managed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The DZS performs tasks involved with ensuring educational, training and other relations with foreign countries under the instructions of the ministry. The DZS is responsible for a number of international programmes, carries out activities relating to promotion of education, provides information and consultation services and organises national and international seminars and conferences. The services are aimed at individuals, students, teachers, directors of all types of schools and other professionals, educational organisations and associations whose activities are related to education, and also both central and local authorities.

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Education and Youth Board of Estonia (HARNO)


Lõõtsa 4



Phone: +372 735 0500

Fax: +372 696 2426

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HARNO is responsible for implementing Estonia’s education and youth policies. HARNO's aim to provide Estonian people quality, contemporary and equally accessible means for education. We wish that everyone can create their personal learning path for their whole life.

HARNO helps opening up European education and research area to Estonia through European cooperation programmes and creates conditions for participation through accreditation and evaluation of higher education. It contributes to the development of quality education and helps making lifelong learning opportunities more widely available to Estonian people.

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Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)


Hakaniemenranta 6



Phone: +358 295 331 100

Fax: + 358 207 868 600

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The Finnish National Board of Education and Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) merged to form Finnish National Agency for Education-EDUFI. The Agency continues to provide expert services in the same fields as its predecessors: developing education and life-long learning as well as promoting international mobility and cooperation,enhancing the internationalisation of higher education and training in Finland. EDUFI administers various scholarship and exchange programmes, offers international trainee placements, advances Finnish studies abroad and markets Finnish higher education worldwide. The organisation is also active in research on the internationalisation of higher education. EDUFI's client base covers a wide range of educational institutions, enterprises, authorities in charge of education, employment and youth and non-governmental organisations.

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German Academic Exchange Service - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)


Kennedyallee 50




Fax: + 49 228 882 444

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The DAAD is a joint organisation of Germany’s higher education institutions. It promotes international academic relations all over the world, primarily through the exchange of students, academics and researchers. It offers more than 200 student and faculty scholarship and cooperation programmes which are open to applicants from abroad and Germany alike and cover all academic disciplines and all countries. In addition, the DAAD is funding the internationalisation of Germany’s universities through worldwide institutional partnerships, summer schools, international degree programmes, etc. Supporting the reform of higher education systems in developing and transition countries in the South and the East is one of DAAD`s tasks as well. All funding decisions are being taken by independent academic Selection Committees.

DAAD is also maintaining and establishing German language, literature and culture studies at selected universities around the world. International marketing of study, research and training in Germany and in the European Union belongs to DAAD’s main objectives as well. Besides the above mentioned activities the DAAD is acting as National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation (LLP-ERASMUS, ERASMUS Mundus, TEMPUS and other EU-Third Country Cooperation Programmes). All in all, the DAAD is supporting with a total budget of €350 million more than 55.000 people in cross-border education and research and 30.000 in mobility activities funded through LLP/ERASMUS.

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State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)


41, Ethnikis Antistaseos Avenue

Nea Ionia – Attiki


Phone: +30210-3726325


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Founded in 1951, the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) has been continuously supporting scientists over the past 70 years in order to keep the Greek academic and research community abreast of advances. Managed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, IKY adheres to its long-standing mission of catering for the educational needs of the less advantaged groups of society by providing access to grants for studies in Greece and abroad that will open up academic paths with an added value for society as a whole.

In this context IKY continues its established cooperation with universities and academic services abroad (European University Institute in Florence, DAAD) and its Board of Directors design and implement new initiatives which correspond to emerging needs such as the French Hellenic initiative for postgraduate studies and research in France and the programme for financial support of doctoral candidates conducting research in Greek universities. The scolarships programmes are either nationally funded or co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF).

IKY serves as the National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027. The new programme will capitalize on the experience and impact gained as a result of European cooperation in the fields of education and training dating back to 1987 and will open up more inclusive, digital and greener paths for the internationalization of the Greek higher education institutions. IKY also participates in the “Study in Greece initiative” actively promoting the Greek higher education to students from all over the world.

In accordance with its mandate, IKY funds scholarships addressed to foreigners for the promotion of the Greek language and culture, manages revenue from bequests to fund scholarships in Greece and abroad and provides excellence awards to undergraduate students.

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Tempus Public Foundation (TPF)


H-1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.



Phone: +36 1 237 1300

Fax: +36 1 239 1329

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Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) is a non-profit organization established in 1996 by the Hungarian Government, with the task of managing international cooperation programmes and special projects in the field of education, training and EU-related issues.

Its activities focus on the management European, regional and national scholarship and cooperation programmes (Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Stipendium Hungaricum, Bilateral scholarships etc). It promotes these programmes and provides assistance and consulting services. Through its Knowledge Centre TPF provides structured information on education and training policies, implements initiatives for improving mobility and other internationalization measures, organises thematic conferences and issues publications.

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The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís)


Borgartún 30



Phone: +354 515 5800


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The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) supports research, innovation, education and culture in Iceland. RANNIS cooperates closely with the Icelandic Science and Technology Policy Council and provides professional assistance in the preparation and implementation of the national science and technology policy. It also provides a secretariat for the Quality Framework for Higher Education in Iceland and for the International Arctic Science Committee. RANNIS administers competitive funds in the fields of research, innovation, education and culture, as well as strategic research programmes.

RANNIS coordinates and promotes Icelandic participation in the main European cooperation programmes: Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and Creative Europe, as well as Nordic cooperation including the Nordplus programmes. RANNIS supports directly academic cooperation with other countries mainly through the Erasmus+ and Nordplus mobility programmes. It further provides indirect support through the Research Fund where cooperation is a criterion for selection and thus encouraged, but not specifically funded. RANNIS reports to the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and operates according to the Act on Public Support for Scientific Research (No. 3/2003).

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P.le della Farnesina



Phone: +39 06 3691 4616


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Founded in 2010 jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Interior, the Uni-Italia Association aims to promote Italian Higher Education and the mobility of foreign students and researchers towards Italian universities as well as to encourage academic cooperation between Italy and other foreign countries. Uni-Italia works closely with Italian diplomatic offices abroad where Centres of promotion and orientation to study in Italy are located. These Centres cooperate with the Italian Cultural Institutes and the Italian Consulates abroad especially in promoting Italian higher education programs, selecting and assisting students with their first enquiries made in their own countries.

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Nuffic - The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education


PO Box 29777

The Hague

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 70 4260 260


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Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education, supports international educational opportunities from primary and secondary education to vocational and higher education and research. Nuffic's ambition is for every pupil and student to gain international experience.

Nuffic's office in The Hague and its office in Jakarta, Indonesia, brings together people, dreams, ambitions and encourage everyone to expand their limits. Together with national and international partners, we strive to promote the development of our pupils and students, as well as the growth of teachers, professionals and organisations. Nuffic is helping secure the Netherlands’ reputation as a leading knowledge economy.

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Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK dir)


P.O.Box 1093



Phone: + 47 55 30 38 00


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The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills has an overall national responsibility for administrative tasks within higher education, higher vocational education and skills policy. The Directorate is a professional adviser to the Ministry of Education and Research, which implements policy and coordinates the means.

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills contributes to developing the quality of education and training, strengthening international cooperation, and contributes to the digital transformation of universities and university colleges. The Directorate works to raise the competence of the population, make education and training of high quality available to all throughout life, and ensure access to a competent workforce to employers.

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Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)


Polna 40



Phone: +48 22 390 35 00

Fax: +48 22 826 28 23

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Appreciating the importance of internationalization in higher education, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education initiated the establishment of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in October 2017.

NAWA works towards internationalization of Polish science by supporting and stimulating international research collaboration and academic exchange. NAWA aims to reinforce the scientific excellence, internationalize Polish universities and scientific institutions and also to promote Poland and its language and culture to build the brand of the country with interesting educational and research opportunities. Those objectives are to be achieved through a wide range of Agency’s programmes:

Programmes for Scientists
Programmes for Institutions
Programmes for Students
Polish Language Programmes

For more information about NAWA please visit:

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Erasmus + Portuguese National Agency, Education and Training (A.N E+EF)


Praça de Alvalade, 11



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The Erasmus+ Portuguese National Agency, Education and Training (A.N E+EF) is integrated into the direct administration of the State, with administrative and financial autonomy under of Higher Education, Education and Labor Ministries. The National Agency supports the internationalisation of education and training in Portugal, in order to encourage the establishment and participation in European education and training institutions networks, strengthen the international attractiveness of education and training institutions – Study and Research in Portugal, and promote the internationalization of education and vocational training with a view to participating in inter-institutional networks and attracting international students and trainees.

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Foundation Tempus


Žabljačka 12



Phone: +381 11 33 42 430


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Since its establishment, the Foundation Tempus has participated in the promotion and implementation of EU educational programs, other educational programs, as well as various cooperation programs for all levels of education and support to young people in the Republic of Serbia through the development, design and implementation of projects aimed at improving formal and non-formal education and human resources development. Through its work, the Foundation contributes to the development of education and human resources and the development of society as a whole by raising the capacity of youth organizations and other organizations, establishing cooperation with all social partners, international cooperation and work with individuals and institutions.
The Foundation Tempus contributes daily to the development of European standards in education, the implementation of the concept of the European dimension in the field of education, the promotion and popularization of issues related to the field of education, educational policies and youth policies.

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SAIA, n.o. (The Slovak Academic Information Agency)


Sasinkova 10

Bratislava 1


Phone: +421 2 5930 4700

Fax: +421 2 5930 4701

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SAIA, n. o. is an NGO established in 1990 which through its programmes and services assists in developing internationalisation of education and research in Slovakia. SAIA provides information about studying and researching abroad and in Slovakia, organises selection of scholarship holders, seminars for Slovak HEIs, produces publications. SAIA administers the National Scholarship Programme for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD Students, University Teachers and Researchers, the bilateral programme Action Austria – Slovakia, the multilateral programme CEEPUS. SAIA is also a part of the European Researcher´s Mobility Centres Network ERA-MORE and since 2007 is an intermediary of the Fund NIL Supporting Cooperation in the Field of Education (EEA / Norwegian Financial Mechanisms).

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Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC)


Križkova 9



Phone: +421 2 209 222 01


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The mission of the SAAIC is to support and coordinate international multilateral programs in field of education and training. The association implements the Erasmus programme in Slovakia, in all sectors, from pre-school to higher and adult education. The association cooperates with organisations of a similar focus nationally and internationally, especially in the countries of the European Union. Our vision is to co-create European education area, motivate educators and students to gain international experience and competences for networking, recognise Europe's diversity and address the need for innovations. SAAIC is also the seat of the Eurydice national office and the Euroguidance center.

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The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS)


Ob železnici 30a



Phone: +386-1-620-94-50

Fax: +386-1-620-94-51

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The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS) is a public institution working in the field of international projects and international mobility.

CMEPIUS positioned itself as a relevant partner within national as well as international educational environment, striving for quality, taking the role of initiator, coordinator of knowledge, experience and ideas. Our main tasks beside co-ordinating the Erasmus+ programme in the field of education, training and sport in to support the developments and its impact on the field of education and training. We are especially strong in the quality assessment and research of the internationalisation of higher education. In addition, CMEPIUS pursues national programmes of mobility (bilateral and multilateral scholarships of the Republic of Slovenia), Study in Slovenia initiative; EHEA project on internationalisation of curricula and acts as a Bridgehead Organisation of the EURAXESS National Centre. The team of the Centre is strongly dedicated to opening doors to experience for individuals and institutions through international programmes. We aim to offer opportunities to people of all ages and interests and to support the institutions of different profiles in their way to realisation of international projects in the field of education and training.

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Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE)


General Oraa 55



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Integrated into the Ministry of Universities, SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education) is the National Agency for the Internationalization of Higher Education in Spain. SEPIE manages the Erasmus + Program and promotes the projection of the Spanish University System abroad, providing unique and high quality training opportunities in Spain for international Higher Education students, teachers of researchers.

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Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)


PO Box 4030



Phone: +46 (0)10-470 03 00


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The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) works to improve standards in Swedish education by providing people with opportunities for participation in international exchanges and cooperation. Via UHR’s programmes, schools, higher education institutions, vocational and adult education programmes and others are able to apply for funding for projects conducted in partnership with other countries. UHR’s vision is education, exchange and enrichment – helping you take the next step, and their mission is to meet the needs of individuals, the education sector, government agencies and organisations with support in the selection of educational opportunities and development through international cooperation.

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Movetia - The Swiss National Agency for Exchange and Mobility


Dornacherstrasse 28A



Phone: +41 32 462 00 50



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Movetia is the Swiss agency for exchange and mobility. It is sponsored by the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Exchanges and Mobility (SFAM). The organisation funds and supports exchange and mobility projects and activities in education and training, both in Switzerland and abroad and both in schools and in the extracurricular sphere. It links organisations and institutions in the area of exchange and mobility and brings together providers of projects and activities and those who are keen to get involved.

The Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Exchanges and Mobility (SFAM) was set up in March 2016 by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the Federal Office of Culture (FOC), the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK).

The Foundation sees itself as a platform that provides contacts and information related to exchange and mobility. It raises awareness of the importance of the topic among the public, policymakers and the media. It is also responsible for implementing exchange and mobility programmes in Switzerland and abroad. The Foundation operates under the name Movetia.

The SFAM Foundation has replaced the ch Foundation since the beginning of 2017.

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Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities


Effingerstrasse 15, Postfach



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swissuniversities is the Conference of Swiss Higher Education Institutions Rectors. It re-presents the interests of Swiss higher education institutions nationally and internationally. Its three principal responsibilities are to maintain and strengthen the diversity and comple-mentarity of Swiss higher education, to coordinate the activities of Switzerland's higher edu-cations institutions and higher education system, and to deepen and further develop coope-ration among Swiss universities of applied sciences, universities, and universities of teacher education.

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7 St Andrew's Pl.


Wales, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 300 300 7000


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Taith is an international learning exchange programme established to create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. Taith embeds an international approach into every level of their education system. Taith is for people in every part of Wales, and in every type of education setting. The sectors eligible for funding are: schools, youth, adult education, further education and vocational education and training, higher education (covering education and research). Taith is committed to reaching individuals and organisations who may face additional barriers to international learning exchange opportunities.

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ACA Associate Members

The International Education Center (IEC)


7, Chavchavadze Avenue



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The International Education Center (IEC), established in 2014, is a State Agency of Georgia, the core activities of which relate to managing state and international partner scholarship schemes for citizens of Georgia pursuing Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D studies Internationally. Scholarship programs of the IEC are supported by the Government of Georgia and/or those of partner countries. IEC is an integral part of HEI development policy making, carrying essential volume of work concerned with fostering internationalization and capacity building of higher education institutions in Georgia through University Support Program , where the beneficiaries of the training programs constitute the HEI Faculty and Staff. Scholarship and Grant schemes extend to Public Sector as well, were professional development courses for civil servants are covered on a competition basis by IEC.

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The Institute of International Education (IIE)


809 United Nations Plaza

New York, NY

United States


Fax: + 1 212 984 5574


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IIE is a global non-profit higher education and professional exchange agency, whose members are over 600 higher education institutions around the world. Its mission is to foster mutual understanding, build global problem-solving capabilities, and develop institutional capacity. Worldwide, IIE administers over 200 projects involving close to 20,000 students, scholars and professionals annually. IIE implements its programmes in cooperation with government agencies, foundations, corporations, NGOs and universities.

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