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ACA Secretariat
The following is a selection of publications. Publications in fields other than education are not included, as are project reports and similar ‘grey’ literature.
Bernd Wächter, "International Programmes in German Higher Education", Linda Hantrais (ed.), Higher Education for International Careers, Birmingham: Ashton 1988.
Bernd Wächter, "Rapport Allemand", Gisela Baumgratz-Gangl, La mobilité des étudiants en Europe. Conditions linguistiques et socio-culturelles, Luxemburg: Office des publications officielles des Communautés Européennes 1989.
Bernd Wächter, Theofried Klassen (eds.), Handbuch der reformpädagogischen und alternativen Schulen in Europa, Baltmannsweiler: Paedagogischer Verlag Burgbuecherei Schneider 1990.
Bernd Wächter, Barbara Myrzik et al., Weiterbildungsbedarf und -angebot in Hessen im Bereichfortgeschrittener Technologien, Darmstadt: mkh 1993.
Bernd Waechter (ed.), Weiterbildung im COMETT-Programm, Bonn: DAAD 1993.
Bernd Wächter, "European Programmes and Projects in Education and Training: Management Implications at System Level", Proceedings of the BIT Conference, Oxford/Vienna 1994.
Bernd Wächter, "Directory of Continuing Education Institutions in Europe", Armin Kaiser, Joerg Feuchthofen, Rainer Guettler (eds.), European Manual of Continuing Education, Neuwied: Luchterhand 1994.
Bernd Wächter (ed.), Netzwerke-Networks-Reseaux, Bonn: DAAD 1995.
Bernd Wächter, "Zielkonflikte der europäischen Bildungspolitik: Vielfalt und offener europaeischer Bildungsraum", Martin Meyer, Gabriele Spengemann, Wolf Kindermann (eds.), Tangenten: Literatur & Geschichte, Muenster: Lit Verlag 1996.
Bernd Wächter, "Probleme der europäischen Bildungspolitik", Das Hochschulwesen, 1/96, Neuwied: Luchterhand 1996.
Bernd Wächter, "ERASMUS under the Institutional Contract - Expectations and First Experiences", Wolfgang Trenn, Siegbert Wuttig (eds.), Studieren in Europa mit ERASMUS, Bonn: DAAD 1997.
Bernd Wächter (ed.), Vision 20-10. European University Leaders' Perspectives on the Future, Geneva: CRE 1998.
Bernd Wächter, "Institutional Norms and Social Values in European Universities", The Public Role of the University, Geneva: CRE 1998.
Bernd Wächter, Marian Geldner, "The International Dimension Under Review", Hans de Wit, Jane Knight (eds.), Quality and Internationalisation in Higher Education, Paris: IMHE/OECD 1999.
Bernd Wächter, "European Associations in Higher Education", Journal for European Education Law and Policy 5/99, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999.
Bernd Wächter (ed.), Internationalisation in Higher Education, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 1999.
Bernd Wächter (ed.), Internationalisation in European Non-University Higher Education, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 1999.
Bernd Wächter, "Dutch Higher Education: A View From Brussels", Thema. Tijdschrift voor Hoger onderwijs & Management, 5/1999, 's-Gravenhage: Elsevier 1999.
Bernd Wächter, Handbook of European Associations in Higher Education, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 2000.
Bengt Nilsson, Bernd Wächter et al., Internationalisation at Home, Asterdam: EAIE 2000.
Sybille Reichert, Bernd Wächter, The Globalisation of Education and Training: Recommendations for a Coherent Policy of the European Union,
Bernd Wächter (ed.), The Virtual Challenge to International Cooperation in Higher Education, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 2002.
Bernd Wächter, “Introduction”, Ulrich Teichler (ed.), ERASMUS in the SOCRATES Programme. Findings of an Evaluation Study, Bonn: Lemmens 2002.
Bernd Wächter, Friedhelm Maiworm, English-Language-Taught Degree Programmes in European Higher Education, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 2002.
Bernd Wächter, Englischsprachige Studiengänge in Europa, Essen: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft 2002.
Bernd Wächter, „An Introduction: Internationalisation at Home in Context“, Journal of Studies in International Education, vol. 7, issue 1, spring 2003.
Bernd Wächter, “Why should Flemish Higher Education Internationalise?“, Op weg naar een Europese hoger onderwijsruimte, VLHORA, Brussel 2003..
Bernd Wächter (ed.), Higher Education in a Changing Environment. Internationalisation of Higher Education Policy in Europe, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 2004.
Franziska Muche, Maria Kelo, Bernd Wächter, The Admission of International Students into Higher Education. Policies and Instruments, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education), Bonn: Lemmens 2004.
Bernd Wächter, “The Lisbon Strategy. Knowledge as the Key to Growth and Employment”, Maria Kelo (ed.), The Future of the University. Translating Lisbon into Practice, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education), Bonn: Lemmens 2006.
Maria Kelo, Ulrich Teichler, Bernd Wächter, EURODATA. Student Mobility in European Higher Education, Bonn: Lemmens 2006.
Maria Kelo, Ulrich Teichler, Bernd Wächter, “Toward Improved Data on Student Mobility in Europe”, Journal of Studies in International Education, vol. 10, issue 3, fall 2006.
European Commission, The Perception of European Higher Education in Third Countries, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006. (Report prepared together with Friedhelm Maiworm and Franziska Muche).
Bernd Wächter, “Brain Drain: What We Know and What We Don’t Know”, Ulrich Teichler (ed.), The Formative Years of Scholars, London: Portland Press 2006.
Bernd Wächter, “Asia-Europe Cooperation in Higher Education: State of Play and Challenges”, Ramon Molina (ed.), Asia-Europe Colloquy on Universities of Tomorrow, Singapore: Asia-Europe Foundation, 2006.
Bernd Wächter, Friedhelm Maiworm, English-Taught Programmes in European Higher Education. The Picture in 2007, (ACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education) Bonn: Lemmens 2008.
Bernd Wächter, Internationalisation and the European Higher Education Area, report prepared for the ‘official Bologna seminar of the Flemish government, Ghent 19/20 May 2008:
Michael Gaebel, Lewis Purser, Bernd Wächter, Lesley Wilson (eds.), Internationalisation of European Higher Education. AN EUA/ACA Handbook, Berlin: Raabe Academic Publishers 2008 (ongoing).
Bernd Wächter, “Increasing Europe’s Attractiveness for International Students. What Can We Learn from the Bologna Process?”, Rajika Bhandari and Shepherd Laughlin (eds.), Higher Education on the Move: New Developments in Global Mobility, New York: IIE 2009.
Chripa Schneller, Irina Lungu, Bernd Wächter, Handbook of International Associations in Higher Eduction. A Practical Guide to 100 Academic Networks World-wide, Brussels: ACA 2009.