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Kortrijk, 29 May 2007

Internationalisation today. Close neighbours and faraway friends


A joint colloquium of VLHORA, ACA and KATHO


8:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Welcome addresses
Luc De Mey, Coach Internationalisation KATHO,Head of Department Social Sciences (KATHO-IPSOC), Kortrijk 
Bernd Wächter, Director, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), Brussels 
Jan Geens , Director International Affairs, VLHORA, Brussels 
Tom Dekeyzer, Flemish Ministry of Education, Brussels
10:30 Internationalisation at home: concept, history and current practice
Bengt Nilsson, Malmö, Sweden
11:10 Cooperation with neighbouring regions – the HORA EST programme
Michaël Joris, Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg, Flanders
11:50 A student perspective on international mobility
Paul Boulez, former Erasmus student, KATHO-HANTAL
12:00 Home away from home: mobility and cooperation between Flanders, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Walloon Region
Jacques Lebegge, Haute Ecole Paul-Henri Spaak, Brussels 
12:40 Lunch
13:50 The benefits of mobility – impact on individuals and institutions
Ulrich Teichler, INCHER, Kassel, Germany 
14:35 How they see us? The perception of European higher education in other parts of the world
Bernd Wächter, Academic Cooperation Association, Brussels 
15:15 The place of Europe on the higher education world map: where do we stand and where could we go from here?
Volker Gehmlich, Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany
16:00 Closure and thanks
16:15 A tribute to Anne-Marie Van den Dries
Head KATHO International Office (1995-2007)
17:30 Reception and buffet




Doorniksesteenweg 145
