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Experienced participants wanted – Erasmus Mundus seminar on “jointness”

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) will be hosting this autumn a 1,5-day thematic seminar, under the title “Planning and delivering jointness in Erasmus Mundus Master programmes”. The interactive seminar, offered under the Erasmus Mundus Support Initiative (EMSI) in the year that also marks the 20th anniversary of the programme, will take place as a fully onsite event in Brussels, on 7 – 8 November 2024.  

The purpose of the seminar is to facilitate an expert level discussion between the participants about their practices, allowing them to gain a comparative perspective, get inspired by their peers, and advance the practices on jointness at programme level, serving as inspiration also for other programmes. The seminar will bring together experienced academics and administrative staff from well-established Erasmus Mundus master programmes, with long-standing and in-depth experience in designing and implementing jointness, in its multifaceted aspects, in the respective programmes. 

In preparation for the upcoming seminar, the Erasmus Mundus Support Initiative (EMSI) has launched an online survey on the Erasmus Mundus community platform, to understand the level of jointness achieved within the programmes, the factors influencing it, and the good practices implemented to address recurrent challenges in cultivating jointness. Experienced professionals in all universities participating in an Erasmus Mundus joint programme are invited to participate in the survey by 13 September 2024, including programme coordinators, academics and administrative staff from coordinating and partner institutions, including from non-European countries. The online survey also serves as a tool to express interest in attending and/or speaking at the thematic seminar. Therefore if interested to attend, make sure to fill in the survey.