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, 20 - 21 June 2024

Strategic approaches to Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Conference


On the 20 and 21 June, an invite-only conference will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, on the topic of the impact of staff mobility in Erasmus+.  The conference is hosted by ACA member organisation, Rannís, and is co-organised by AMEUP, CMEPIUS, DZS, OeAD, and TPF, with the support of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA).

This event aims to highlight the strategic importance of academic staff mobility within Erasmus+ across various university missions. The conference will facilitate effective approaches for institutions to maximise the institutional value derived from Erasmus+ staff mobility, and will also play a crucial role in establishing a community of interested higher education institutions from Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Iceland, and Slovenia. It will focus on exchanging best practices and networking, targeting senior leaders such as Vice-Rectors for Internationalisation, Heads of International Relations Offices, and Heads of Career Development Centres, among others.

The conference programme will include keynote speeches, panel debates, and engaging parallel sessions covering topics such as strategic use of Erasmus+ staff mobility, inclusive participation, impact maximisation, and recognition of staff mobility experiences in career development pathways. Surrounded by Iceland's unique and captivating landscapes, participants will gain fresh insights and inspiration from their strategic peers and have the opportunity to tackle their related daily challenges with renewed energy and perspective.

Registration to this event is exclusively invite-only. If you are interested in learning more about the programme or key take-aways, please email the ACA Secretariat:


Thursday, 20 June 2024




Welcome and icebreaker

Rúna Guðmarsdóttir, Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+, Rannis, Iceland

Svandís Ósk Símonardóttir, Senior Adviser in the Education and Culture Division, Rannis, Iceland


EU policy framework and participation trends

Svava Berglind Finsen, Policy Officer – Higher Education, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), European Commission (recorded)


Opening panel: National policy frameworks, priorities and key trends in staff mobility

This panel will share good practice examples of national initiatives strategically leveraging academic staff mobility for internationalisation and broader goals and enhancing the international dimension of academic careers.

Aleš Oven, Senior Advisor to the Rector, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Renáta Tomášková, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, University of Ostrava, Czechia

Gerhard Volz, Director International Cooperation in Higher Education, OeAD, Austria

Karla Zimanova, Deputy Director, SAIA n.o., Slovakia

Moderator: Gro Tjore, ACA President, Deputy Director General, the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-Dir), Norway



Networking break


Driving impact of Erasmus+ outgoing academic staff mobility

This session will feature the key findings of a training and cooperation activities (TCA) study conducted by six Erasmus+ national agencies from Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Iceland and Slovenia, with the support of the ACA Secretariat in 2022-2023.

Veronika Kupriyanova, Deputy Director, ACA

Angeliki Psychogyiou, Policy and Project Coordinator, ACA



Expert panel: strategic approaches to staff mobility – why & how

This panel will feature expert discussions on the strategic role and added value of staff mobility under Erasmus+, reflecting on how it can effectively support the different university missions and what factors could further enable its more encompassing institutional impact.

Amanda Crameri, Head of Division Higher Education, Movetia, Switzerland

László Horváth, Assistant Professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Teach With Erasmus+ consortium, Hungary

Maria Kelo, Director, European University Association (EUA)

Marta Žuvić, Vice-Rector for Students, Studies and Quality Assurance, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Moderator: Alenka Flander, Director, CMEPIUS, Slovenia




Parallel session 1: Enhancing learning and teaching quality through academic staff mobility under Erasmus+

This parallel session will dive deep into how academic staff mobility fosters the quality of learning and teaching, reflecting on topics related to teaching performance and assessment, international classroom and internationalisation at home more broadly, as well as links to student mobility.

Rita Dias, President, Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

Ida Dringó-Horváth, Head of Educational Technology Training Centre, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Hungary

Renáta Tomášková, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, University of Ostrava, Czechia

Moderator: Márton Beke, Deputy Director for Internationalisation of Higher Education, TPF, Hungary

Rapporteur: Bettina Ugrósdy-Beregi, Senior Internationalisation Coordinator, TPF, Hungary


Parallel session 2: Leveraging staff mobility for institutional partnerships

This parallel session will focus on how staff mobility can be used to support institutional partnerships in learning and teaching, research and service for society at different levels, including European university alliances, Erasmus Mundus and other types of joint programmes, BIPs, research projects and other forms of cooperation.

Prof. Johanna Anzengruber, Vice-Dean for Research and Internationalisation, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Prof. Silja Bara Omarsdottir, Professor of International Affairs, University of Iceland

Prof. Sonja Vila, Vice-Rector for science, technology, projects and international cooperation, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

Moderator: Angelika Zojer, EU Programme Officer, OeAD, Austria

Rapporteur: Lenka Prochazkova, Head of CZELO Brussels Office, Czechia


Transfer to the plenary room


Reports back to the plenary

Bettina Ugrósdy-Beregi, Senior Internationalisation Coordinator, TPF, Hungary

Lenka Prochazkova, Head of CZELO Brussels Office, Czechia


Wrap-up of Day 1

Rúna Guðmarsdóttir, Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+, Rannis, Iceland




Transfer from Hotel Berjaya Natura to Sky lagoon (departure at 17:00)


Visit to Sky lagoon


Transfer from Sky lagoon to Haust restaurant (departure at 19:10)


Dinner at Haust restaurant


Transfer from Haust restaurant to Hotel Berjaya Natura (departure at 21:30)

Friday, 21 June 2024


Welcome and recap of Day 1

Rúna Guðmarsdóttir, Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+, Rannis, Iceland


Expert panel: Widening participation in staff mobility – recurrent issues and solutions

This expert panel will feature good institutional practices and approaches supporting more inclusive and diverse participation in staff mobility and staff engagement including effective communication, participation and selection procedures.

Marina Casals Sala, Director of Member Relations for Europe and the UK, ISEP Study Abroad, Spain

Filip Faltejsek, Director of the International Office, University of Chemistry and Technology, Czechia

Uroš Kline, Head of International Relations Office, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Guðlaug Matthildur Jakobsdóttir, Director of the International Office of Reykjavík University, Iceland

Moderator: Božidar Grigić, CMEPIUS, Slovenia



Networking break


Parallel session 1: Dissemination and exploitation of knowledge gained through staff mobility under Erasmus+

This session aims at showcasing good institutional practices in the internal and external dissemination and exploitation of knowledge gained from outgoing academic staff mobility under Erasmus+.

Maja Kolega, Head of International Relations Office, University of Zadar, Croatia

Dagny Schreiner, Head of Human Resources Development – Center for Further Education, Erasmus+ STT Coordinator, mdw-University of Music & Performing Arts, Austria

Yvona Vyhnánková, Institutional Coordinator for Erasmus+ Programmes, Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia

Moderator: Tomislav Fresl, Head of Department for Higher Education, AMEUP, Croatia

Rapporteur: Petra Jun, Senior Advisor, AMEUP, Croatia


Parallel session 2: Career development and recognition

This session aims at showcasing good institutional practices in using academic staff mobility for the purpose of career advancement and professional development based on a full recognition of related efforts and outcomes.

Tibor Zilahi, Programme Coordinator, University of Szeged, Hungary

Alja Gazvoda, Deputy Secretary General University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Matej Zavrl, Faculty Secretary, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Moderator: Lenka Prochazkova, Head of CZELO Brussels Office, Czechia

Rapporteur: Angelika Zojer, EU Programme Officer, OeAD, Austria


Transfer to the plenary room


Reports back to the plenary

Petra Jun, Senior Advisor, AMEUP, Croatia

Angelika Zojer, EU Programme Officer, OeAD, Austria


Key takeaways and next steps

Rúna Guðmarsdóttir, Director of the National Agency for Erasmus+, Rannis, Iceland


Networking lunch