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The ACA Secretariat welcomes new colleague

This July, the ACA Secretariat was strengthened with the addition of a new colleague to the team.

Leon Cremonini, recently hired as Senior Researcher Manager, has been active in higher education policy reform in both Europe and globally for two decades. Initially, his main focus within the Secretariat will be to support the implementation of ACA’s activities in the framework of the ongoing Erasmus Mundus Support Structure service project, which will culminate with the Erasmus Mundus’ 20th anniversary conference (May 2024). He will also support the implementation of ACA’s Strategy (2023 -2027) as well as the range of other ACA activities in different fields, including for example students at risk, mobility, and global developments.

The ACA Secretariat is pleased to welcome this new team member and looks forward to jointly bringing the ambitious plans for 2023 and beyond into fruition. Further details can be read about Leon’s experience on the ACA website.