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During the last two months, all main CMEPIUS activities were connected to launch of new Erasmus+ programme and call for 2021. National agency delivered online presentations of opportunities for higher education institutions (over 120 participants for every event) and offered also individual counselling for potential applicants for Cooperation Partnerships. For running projects of previous Erasmus+ generation CMEPIUS delivered online event for promotion of virtual and blended mobilities in order to boost number of activities and budget absorption. Workshop on Erasmus+ dashboard and Erasmus Without Paper was also delivered for current beneficiaries with goal of smooth transition to digital implementation of the programme in the future.
In the beginning of April 2021 CMEPIUS as the EURAXESS BHO hosted an online seminar with the representative of the University of Copenhagen, sharing their rich experiences and practices in the field of welcoming, integration and services for international researchers. The participants (45) that came from Slovene universities and research centre took active part in this online seminar, providing them the time to do some self-reflection, share experiences, challenges and further developments. Apart from presenting of the welcoming services, the opportunity was also used to discuss career development and tackle dual careers of researchers. Both parts were very relevant for Slovenian EURAXESS network and their future strategies and plans, so the seminar gave participants many important insights and their feedback was thus very positive.
Furthermore, in the end of March amendments to the Foreigners Act were adopted amendments to the Foreigners Act (the Act), which was proposed by the Slovenian Ministry of Interior Affairs. The Act was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia on April 12. The Act details the conditions for entry into, residence in, and departure from Slovenia by foreign nationals. Some changes cover temporary residence permits for foreign researchers wishing to work in Slovenia, and for students who have completed studies here, but no crucial changes in general.