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In 2020 October, in an unusual way, The Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) organizes the third higher education conference for higher education staff members working in the field of foreign representation and internationalization.
TPF Study in Hungary Division aims, among other things, at facilitating the cooperation and sharing among different stakeholders, interested parties such as national promotion agencies, foreign missions/EU Delegations and international colleagues of the Higher Education Institutions. TPF – as undoubtedly every promotion agencies – provides numerous opportunities for preparation and training courses for the above-mentioned stakeholders.
In the past two years, TPF has had the opportunity to assemble the Hungarian foreign affairs associates from around the world by inviting them to an annual workshop where they could collect a substantial knowledge of the Hungarian higher education system, the possibilities about recruiting students in their region and how to aid the HEI’s in the potential institutional partnership building.
This event is a great opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing.
In the future TPF would like to extend these networking and training facilities and organise more online webinars, promotion campaigns and training courses. Following TPF's future plans and due to the pandemic situation in 2020, the organisation invited their partners to participate in a two day virtual training session in order to continue to inform them about the institutional changes introduced in Hungary due to the new situation.