3-5 July 2006Higher Education Academy 2006 Conference "Enhancing the Student Learning Experience".
East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK.
Web: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/events/conference.htm
3-7 July 2006 CHEPS 2006 Summer Lecture Series - "Shaping European Higher Education"
Oporto, Portugal.
Web: http://www.utwente.nl/cheps/sls/
3-7 July 2006
EAIE Training seminar "English in the international workplace".
Dublin, Ireland.
Web: http://www.eaie.org/training/2006/home.asp
4-5 July 2006EU eLearning Conference 2006.
Helsinki, Finland.
Web: http://www.elearning2006.fi/main.site?action=siteupdate/view&id=2
4-6 July 2006"Global education: Universities in the 21st century".
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Web: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/events/ac21/
5-7 July 2006
The sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. “Advanced Technologies for Life-Long Learning”
Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Web: http://www.ask.iti.gr/icalt/2006/
30 August to 1 September 2006
EAIR Forum - "Who runs higher education in a Competitive World?"
Rome, Italy.
Website: http://www.eair.nl/rome/
7-9 September 2006
EAEA seminar "Adult learning for democratic citizenship in a globalizing world".
Stephansstift, Hannover, Germany.
Web: http://www.eaea.org/
11-13 September 2006
OECD 2006 IMHE General Conference. "Challenges of managing issues involving ethics and values in higher education."
Paris, France.
Web: http://www.oecd.org/site/0,2865,en_21571361_34712006_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
13-16 September 2006
2006 EAIE conference "Quality in internationalisation, from theory to practice."
Basel, Switzerland.
Web: http://www.eaie.nl/basel/
13-16 September 2006EAIE-ACA seminar "European higher education in a global contaxt".
Basel, Switzerland.
Web: http://www.eaie.org/basel/programme/see.asp?type=seminar&button=type
14 September 2006
Magna Charta Observatory conference "Political approaches to university identity".
Bologna, Italy.
Web: http://www.magna-charta.org/home.html
21-23 September 2006
International bilingual (EN and FR) conference. "Academic Mobility: Crossed Perspectives."
Turku, Finland.
Web: http://www.hum.utu.fi/ranskakk/Turkumobilitysept2006.pdf
13 October 2006ACA European Policy seminar "Cooperation in higher education between Europe and
other world regions: Latin America".
Brussels, Belgium.
Web: http://www.aca-secretariat.be/08events/Seminars/EU-LatinAmerica.htm
13-15 October 2006IAU 2006 conference "Internationalisation of higher education: New opportunities,
new challenges".
Beijing, China.
Web: http://www.unesco.org/iau/conferences/china/pdf/first_announcement.pdf
19-21 October 2006"European labour market for academic graduates".
University of Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Web: http://www.unimaas.nl/elm
2-5 November 2006EAEA seminar "Citizenship education: A bridge to European citizenship?".
Florence, Italy.
Web: http://www.eaea.org/
15-18 November 2006
Businet annual conference 2006.
Berlin, Germany.
Web: http://www.businet.org.uk/public/default.asp
20 - 22 November 2006
Higher Education Policy: European and/or global influences." Organised by Université du Littoral.
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.
Web: http://www.univ-littoral.fr/muselcem.htm
23-24 November 2006
EADTU annual conference 2006 "Widening participation and opportunities by lifelong
open and flexible learning in higher education".
Tallinn, Estonia.
Web: http://www.eadtu.nl/
24-25 November 2006
"Languages for specific purposes in higher education: Searching for common solutions".
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.
Web: http://www.kj.fme.vutbr.cz/
29 November - 1 DecemberEAIE Training seminar "How to run an international office".
Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Web: http://www.eaie.org/training/2006/test.asp?welke=15&wat=intro
08-09 December 2006
IAU-IAUP conference "The different meanings of university autonomy".
Cheng Mai, Thailand.
Contact: iau@unesco.org
12-14 December 2006
SHRE (Society for Research into Higher Education) annual conference
"Beyond boundaries: New horizons for research into higher education".
Brighton, UK.
Web: http://www.srhe.ac.uk/