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Yonezawa, A., Kitamura, Y., Meerman, A., Kuroda, K. (Eds.). 'Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education'. Springer. 2014. Pages: 261
This book discusses emerging roles and functions of higher education and the implications for higher education as a public good in a context of globalisation and regionalisation. It looks into the changes brought by globalisation such as privatisation and marketisation, as well as the changed understanding of education as a public good in a single nation due to increased student and faculty mobility and diversified interconnectedness among universities.
The authors draw attention to the changing, “globalised”” understanding of institutional quality, which is largely reflected in the rankings, and to the increasing regional mobility as universities are attracting students from the neighbouring regions in order to be more competitive. Apart from looking to regional neighbours for students and opportunities for study, universities are searching for institutional partnerships and collaboration within their regions.