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Antoine Godbert (ed.). Journal of International Mobility. Vol. 1 (1). Peter Lang Edition. Bern, 2013. ISSN: 2296-5165. Pages: 213.
The first of its type, the Journal of International Mobility is a scientific journal dedicated exclusively to mobility in the framework of higher education. The first volume deals with mobility in the framework of education, training and research and consists of 11 contributions and an introductory remark. The articles examine international student mobility, the ‘success story’ of the Erasmus mobility programme, the history and development of student and research mobility and other topics related to the internationalisation of higher education and research. Although the first volume’s articles are mostly in French, the Journal of International Mobility follows a multilingual approach, calling for contributions in English, French, German and Spanish for its second volume on democratisation of mobility and the impact of mobility programmes.