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Quality guarantee for international students in the Netherlands?

A "Code of Conduct with respect to International Students in Dutch Higher Education" came out in the Netherlands upon initiative of Dutch higher education institutions, independent education organisations and the Dutch government. Higher education institutions may only recruit international students if they have signed up to this code which provides a guarantee of quality to international students and exclusive rights to the institutions, eg. the possibility to enroll Huygens scholarship students or to use the services of Netherlands Education Support Offices (NESO).

The institutions themselves guarantee to provide the international students with good study conditions especially relating to recruitment, selection procedures for courses, tutoring, the level and quality of teaching, suitable and reliable information and checking on the English proficiency.

A national committee, comprised of delegates from the representative bodies of the higher education institutions, has been appointed to monitor compliance with the Code. For the full version of the code, click on the link below.

Code of Conduct