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Science for refugees

The Science4Refugees initiative is directed towards researchers/scientists with refugee background, which will enable them to continue their educational path or enter the European research labour market. Under the header "Science4Refugees", as part of the EURAXESS initiative, the integration into the European researchers' community as part of the labour force shall be enhanced.
The expected impact is to provide support for the career development of refugee researchers, both women and men, to support their integration into their new employment settings and culture, and to prepare female and male refugees for the highly competitive and highly skilled job market. In the medium term, the action aims at supporting research jobs and growth; it will increase the number of highly skilled workers who are sufficiently prepared to access the European labour market by using their newly gained skills and experience through the supported actions.
  • Total budget: EUR 1 million 
  • Proposed budget per project: EUR 250,000
  • Planned opening: 5 December 2017
  • Deadline: 10 April 2018