APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) with the aim to implement its strategy for support of higher education and research for development on an academic institutional level in the ADC’s southern priority countries and key regions and in three priority countries of the South Caucasus and Black Sea Region.
The overall objective is to strengthen the institutional capacities in higher education, research and management in the addressed countries through academic partnerships with Austrian higher education institutions and master’s and PhD scholarships as a contribution to effective and sustainable reduction of poverty.
APPEAR provides funding for:
- Academic Partnerships between higher education and research institutions in the addressed countries and Austrian higher education institutions (universities and universities of applied sciences) will be funded to strengthen the capacities in higher education, research and management.
- Advanced Academic Partnerships based on the results of an already successfully finalised APPEAR project that develop new innovative designs for the cooperation in higher education and research for development will be funded in this call.
- Preparatory Funding with the aim of setting up new partnerships between Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences with higher education and research institutions in the eligible countries in order to elaborate realistic and effective project proposals based on the demands and needs of the institution(s) in the addressed countries. Only new partnerships are eligible for submission, i.e. former APPEAR project partnerships cannot participate in the call for Preparatory Funding. The submitting organisation has to be a higher education institution in one of the eligible countries or in Austria.
- Scholarships will be given to applicants from the addressed countries for master’s and PhD studies in Austria.
Total budget: EUR 12 million (2015 – 2020)
Open: 31 March 2016
Deadline: 31 May / 31 July 2016
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