Aiming to improve background knowledge on adult learning and to support the further development of the adult learning sector, the Education and Culture Directorate-General (DG EAC) has recently published a call for tenders under the Lifelong Learning Programme to conduct studies in three key areas: quality, financing and opening of the higher education sector for adult learning. Three studies are commissioned by DG EAC under
- Lot 1: Quality in the Adult Learning Sector, with the aim to undertake a mapping and analysis of recent developments in European countries with regard to quality approaches in the field of adult learning as well as conclusions and recommendations on quality assurance in this field.
- Lot 2: Financing the Adult Learning Sector, with the focus on mapping and analysing key data, sources and mechanisms of funding approaches as well as relevant recent developments and conceptual considerations for a design of an integrated, theory-based model to measure wider social/health and economic benefits of adult learning.
- Lot 3: Opening Higher Education to Adults, with the purpose to identify main factors impacting on participation of adults in higher education, provide a comprehensive mapping of higher education institutions engaged in various ways in adult education; and identify models and regulatory frameworks for such flexible delivery of programmes.
More details about specific objectives of the tender activities and concrete results to be achieved by the contractor can be found in the tender documentation published by the Education and Culture Directorate-General.
Deadline: 12 October 2011
Maximum available budget:
Lot 1: Quality in the Adult Learning Sector: EUR 200 000
Lot 2: Financing the Adult Learning Sector: EUR 230 000
Lot 3: Opening Higher Education to Adults: EUR 220 000
Education and Culture Directorate-General