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Programme “Europe for Citizens” – Action 2

The Programme "Europe for Citizens" is operational for the period 2007-2013 and aims to support a wide range of activities and organisations promoting ‘active European citizenship’, i.e. the involvement of citizens and civil society organisations in the process of European integration. The current call for proposals for Action 2 of this programme addresses support for projects initiated by civil society organisations. In principle, participants can be stakeholders that promote active European citizenship through a variety of means, e.g. think thanks, NGOs, civil society organisations or educational institutions. Other actions of the programme, however, may target a more limited range of organisations. The various actions include such initiatives as ‘town-twining’, structural support for civil society organisations, high visibility events promoting European citizenship, and commemorative projects for European war victims. The programme is open to the 27 member states, EFTA countries which are parties to the EEA Agreement, EU candidate countries, and the Western Balkans. Deadline for applications: 15 February 2007
Total budget of “Europe for Citizens”: 215 millions Euros, of which approximately 31% is blocked for Action 2 – “Active Civil Society in Europe”. “Europe for Citizens” Action 2
Programme Guide