The European Commission launches the new Research and Innovation Observatory (ROI), which will serve as a critical Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility by monitoring developments of research and innovation in the EU. The ROI website, hosted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), will provide constructive information and analytical data on research and innovation, at both national and EU level to support policy making.
The main activities of the website constitute:
- Detailed yearly RIO country reports, serve evaluation of progress of national innovation/research systems and to pinpoint challenges, and more recently include a thematic series of reports showing the impact of public funding instruments on excellence, as well as on knowledge transfer mechanisms between academia and private sector.
- Support for evidence-based policymaking, is reached through the website observing results and outcomes of the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF), launched in March 2015 by the EC, with the aim of aiding EU Member and Associate Countries in improving their research and innovation policies.
- Acting as a knowledge platform to support the European Semester, by providing information to the European Commission in their detailed yearly analysis of Member States’ research and innovation policies, including recommendations.
- Quantitative and qualitative evidence per country, including policy documents, reports, statistics and a news interface showcasing research and innovation developments of the different Member States. A ERA dashboard serves the comparison of national progress in research systems on EU level.
In light of the latest
report on 'Science, Research and Innovation Performance of the EU', published 10 March by the Commission's DG for Research and Innovation, that makes a strong case for
Europe to enhance its performance and bridge the productivity gap to
effects of under investments, RIO could pose a potential resource to support the “Commission's efforts ?(…) focused on the priorities of Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World."(Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation).