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In the latest Flashbarometer survey from the European Commission’s Youth on the Move initiative, (see ACA Newsletter – Education Europe, September 2010), several key findings illustrate trends in student and graduate mobility. The survey covers the topics of the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and youth mobility for the purposes of education and/or training (e.g. study abroad and traineeships).
The survey was administered to representative samples of young people – ages 15 to 35 – living in the 27 EU member states as well as Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Turkey. Some of the key findings include:
Respondents either currently seeking or holding a higher education qualification were the most likely to say they spent time abroad for the aforementioned purposes. In addition, the survey focused on the length of time the respondents spent abroad for educational and training purposes.
The report was unveiled during the EU’s European Youth Week 2011. This week-long event took place 15-21 May and was celebrated in 33 countries; it was organised in cooperation with the EU Committee of the Regions and the European Youth Forum.
European Commission