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ACA's member organisation from Poland - the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) - has set up two new programmes - the KATAMARAN Programme and the International Academic Partnership Programme - aiming at developing Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) curriculum potential and respectively at establishing international partnerships. Foreign institutions can take part in both programmes together with their Polish partners, as the latter will be able to apply for funding for international cooperation with foreign HEIs.
The KATAMARAN Programme’s main goal is to support Polish HEIs in creating and implementing international curricula on second-cycle studies leading to a joint or double degree. The project must be implemented in partnership with one foreign HEI providing education services corresponding to the 7th level of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The profile and potential of the foreign HEI should enrich the profile and potential of the Polish HEI (in terms of didactic, organisational, technical and personnel-related aspects).
The aim of the International Academic Partnership Programme is to develop viable solutions in the area of scientific, implementation and teaching cooperation, within the framework of international academic partnerships.
The project activities may relate, among others, to:
Calls for applications are open until 30 May 2019.