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Public Funding Observatory

Thomas Estermann, Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Peter Mason, Public Funding Observatory, European University Association, 2014. Pages: 22.

This report is based on data provided by the National Rectors’ Conferences during spring and summer 2014 and it looks at the year-on-year change in the level of public funding, as well as the long-term evolution since 2008, the level of funding in relation to GDP and also in relation to the size of the student population. Five new systems (Belgium-Flanders, Finland, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Serbia) have also been added to the analysis this year, enabling EUA to broaden the scope of the Public Funding Observatory to 28 higher education systems in Europe. 
In this report, changes to funding levels are analysed alongside qualitative data about what is happening with respect to funding policy, in order to give some context to the results. The report thus usefully complements the Public Funding Observatory online tool, which contains all the data under analysis and shows in more detail the basis of the calculations.

Read the full report: European University Association