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Call for proposals: Social inclusion through education, training and youth – EACEA

General objective This call for proposals will support transnational cooperation projects in the fields of education, training and youth. This call for proposals will support transnational cooperation projects in the fields of education, training and youth with the aim of: disseminating and/or scaling up good practices on inclusive learning; developing and implementing innovative methods and practices to foster inclusive education and/or youth environments in specific contexts. The call comprises two lots, one for education and training (Lot1) and one for youth (Lot 2). Projects submitted under this call under both lots should aim at: Lot 1 – Education & training The present call aims at paving the way for a future alliance of schools for inclusion by creating/developing learning communities among different actors (educational institutionsand learning providers, public authorities, stakeholder and civil society organisations, business, etc.) in the field of inclusive learning. Although the main target beneficiaries of such learning communities are expected to be schools, projects submitted under the present call are strongly encouraged to involve other formal and non-formal education and training sectors – from early childhood education and care to vocational education and training (VET), higher education and adult learning – as well as stakeholders at different levels (authorities, institutions, providers, teachers and learners, NGOs, local communities. businesses, families, youth organisations, etc.) and informal learning environments. Specific objectives: 1. Enhancing the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of fundamental values, promoting mutual respect and intercultural dialogue and combating discrimination on all grounds; 2. Promoting inclusive education and training and fostering the education of disadvantaged learners, including through supporting teachers, and educators and leaders of educational institutions in dealing with diversity and reinforcing socioeconomic mixity in the learning environment; 3. Enhancing critical thinking and media literacy among learners, parents and educational staff; 4. Supporting the inclusion of newly arrived migrants in good quality education, including by assessing knowledge and validating prior learning. Lot 2 – Youth 1. Promoting civic participation of young people by developing the role of volunteering for social inclusion; 2. Preventing radicalisation leading to violent extremism of young people by reaching out to those at risk of marginalisation or social exclusion. Key features -In line with the objective of Erasmus+ Key Action 3 to support policy reform, projects should demonstrate the capacity to generate impact not only at the level of the different partner organisations, but also at the systemic level (e.g. generating multiplier effects at territorial or sector-specific level, attracting or involving major players or networks – including from the private sector, obtaining support from public authorities, enhancing awareness and visibility of activities or outputs). -Projects focussing on dissemination/upscaling should primarily build on actions for which solid proof of their effectiveness can be provided and which show potential for being disseminated and/or scaled up. - Projects focussing on innovative practices should demonstrate their relevance, prospective actions and potential impact by building on previous analysis and evaluation work. - Learning communities established under this call should provide a platform for collecting and sharing expertise, disseminating and scaling up good practices as well as developing innovative approaches. Project activities should go beyond exchanging good practices and include concrete activities implemented at local level, preferably for disadvantaged groups. - Training institutions and learning providers involved in the project should demonstrate their commitment to promote inclusion and fundamental values also beyond the lifecycle of the project, for instance through relevant strategic plans. The commitment of the school leadership and/or responsible authorities is particularly important and should be clearly demonstrated in the application. - Projects cutting across sectors and involving non-formal learning are encouraged with a view to creating synergies between education, training, youth, culture and sport. Eligible applicants Eligible applicants are public and private organisations active in the field of education, training and youth or other socio-economic sectors organisations carrying out cross-sector activities (e.g. recognition centres, chambers of commerce, trade organisations, civil society, sport and cultural organisations etc.) in the areas covered by the Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education (Paris Declaration). A Call Information Day will be held on 25 April 2017. More information about the event and the required registration will be published in due time on the Agency's Event Page. Budget: Total - EUR 10 Million
Lot 1 - Education and training EUR 8.000.000
Lot 2 - Youth EUR 2.000.000 Deadline: 22 May 2017 More information