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ACA new project: Global comparative market research for study in Estonia

In April, ACA has kicked off a new project: Conducting Market Research of Study in Estonia (the cooperation platform of international introduction of the Estonian higher education). The seven-month project is aimed to collect data from all available national and international data sources relating to international education and national competitiveness to feed into a methodology for comparative market research developed in 2017 by the Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) of the University of Tartu. Focus of the project will be placed on 11 countries: the United States, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Germany, India, and Vietnam.

The research project aims at producing a comparative overview and ranking of the above-mentioned countries to make it possible to distinguish which countries, among the ones which are to be studied, could be suitable as destination countries for the foreign marketing of the Estonian higher education. The overview will consist of a statistical database, a ranking, and country reports to characterise each of the 11 countries from the aspect of foreign marketing. Recommendations will also be made to fine-tune the comparative research methodology in light of data availability and comparability.

The project, resulting from ACA’s winning of an open call for tenders in Estonia, will be jointly delivered by ACA in cooperation with its Estonian member – the Archimedes Foundation, and supported by a team of national experts from the 11 chosen countries, as well as Rita Morais, an independent expert skilled in data analysis in the higher education context. The ACA experts to be involved in this research project are Project Manager Queenie K.H. Lam, and ACA Director Bernd Wächter.