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A new publication on trends and developments in student mobility

International Mobility in Finnish Education – Trends and Developments in Tertiary and Secondary Education 2000-2004.
Zirra, P. Occasional Paper 1/2006, Centre for International Mobility CIMO Helsinki.

This new statistical publication from Finland addresses an overview of recent developments in student mobility in higher and secondary education. The publication brings together in one volume the data on international mobility that normally can be obtained only from separate data sources such as Statistics Finland, National Board of Education (NBE), Centre for International Mobility (CIMO), and the Social Insurance Institution (SII). It also seeks to provide up-to-date information on progress towards the national targets set for international student mobility. The publication applies to definitions and terminology developed in the EURODATA project (see article 'EURODATA - Education Europe Jan 2006). The good experience in the project encouraged the author of the publication to take the initiative in writing it.

International Mobility in Finnish Education – Trends and Developments in Tertiary and Secondary Education 2000-2004.